Slide Title 1

Aenean quis facilisis massa. Cras justo odio, scelerisque nec dignissim quis, cursus a odio. Duis ut dui vel purus aliquet tristique.

Slide Title 2

Morbi quis tellus eu turpis lacinia pharetra non eget lectus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec.

Slide Title 3

In ornare lacus sit amet est aliquet ac tincidunt tellus semper. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Kamis, 25 Juli 2013

Kenakalan Remaja

 Kenakalan remaja sering terjadi di era modern ini dan kenakalan remaja terjadi di lingkungan yang kurang baik.
Adapun pengertian kenakalan remaja menurut para ahli :

·         Kartono, ilmuwan sosiologi “Kenakalan Remaja atau dalam bahasa Inggris dikenal dengan istilah juvenile delinquency merupakan gejala patologis sosial pada remaja yang disebabkan oleh satu bentuk pengabaian sosial. Akibatnya, mereka mengembangkan bentuk perilaku yang menyimpang”.
·         Santrock “Kenakalan Remaja merupakan kumpulan dari berbagai perilaku remaja yang tidak dapat diterima secara sosial hingga terjadi tindakan kriminal.”

Remaja yang bergaul di lingkungan yang kurang baik dan tidak bisa mengontrol pergaulan akan membuat seorang remaja itu mudah melakukan hal-hal negatif.
Adapun bentuk-bentuk kenakalan remaja :
1.Membolos dari sekolah untuk bermain game.
2.Kebut-kebutan  dijalan raya yang sangat mengganggu kenyamanan masyarakat dan juga dapat menyebabkan kecelakaan lalu lintas.
3.Tawuran antar pelajaran atau perkelahian antar geng  atau antar kelompok.
4.Pemakaian obat terlarang 
5.Seks bebas.
Tidak hanya itu saja kenakalan remaja juga bisa terjadi di lingkungan keluarga seperti membantah orang tua,melawan orang tua,dan tidak menghormati orang tua.adapun faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan kenakalan remaja ini ialah kurangnya kasih sayang orang tua,kurangnya pengawasan orang tua,dasar-dasar agama yang kurang dan kebebasan yang berlebihan.

Cara untuk mengatasi kenakalan remaja dan mencegah kenakalan remaja
1.Pilihlah pergaulan yang baik yang tidak membawa ke hal-hal yang negatif.
2.Taat akan agama.
3.Yang paling penting yaitu perlunya kasih sayang dan perhatian orang tua.
4.Lebih meningkatkan pengawasan terhadap anak.
5.Mengisi waktu luang dengan melakukn hobi dan mengembangkan bakat yang kita sukai dalam arti positif

Senin, 17 Desember 2012

Granting Request

Definition of Granting Request :
         Granting come from the word grant in which
grant is to give or allow someone, usually in an official way.
         And request is use to ask for something politely officially

So, Granting Request is an action to give an allowance to someone to grant her/his request
who ask for something politely in an official way.
Expressing Of Granting Request
Requesting :
         Would it be possible for you to…
         Would you be so kindas to…
         Would you…,please?
         Would you mind …?
         Any chance of…
         Can you…?
         Would you like to…
         Do you mind if I ask you to…
         Could I leave the meeting   now?
         May I go to..
         Excuse me, may I…
Granting Requests :
         Of course
         Sure, you can
         Ok,no problem
         Certainly not
         Why not? You can..
         Yes, you may..
         Ok, here you are
         I’d happy to
         Not at all
         Right away
Example Of Granting Request
Eka: Will you tell me about it?
Ina : Sure, I will.
Eka : Let’s try to make lepat sometimes.
Ina : OK.



Definition :

The word 'so' and 'too' are useed to combine two positive statement with identical predicates to form a compound sentences.

Formula :
so + auxiliary verb + subject
subject + auxiliaey verb + too
Example :
  Putri Likes reading book . Ani also likes reading book
-Putrit likes reading book and so does Ani
-Putri likes reading book and Putri does too 

Either and Neither
Definition :

The word 'either' and 'neither' to combine two negative statements with identicalpredicates to form a compound sentence.

Subject +  auxiliaey verb + not + either
neither + auxiliaey verb + subject


  Deby is not doing her homework now. Otis is also not doing her homework.

-Justin is not doing her homework now and Selena is not either
-Justin is not doing his homework now and neither is Selena

Definite and Indefinite Pronoun

Definite and Indefinite pronoun
An indefinite pronoun does not refer to any specific person, thing or amount. It is vague and "not definite". Some typical indefinite pronouns are:
  • all, another, any, anybody/anyone, anything, each, everybody/everyone, everything, few, many, nobody, none, one, several, some, somebody/someone
Note that many indefinite pronouns also function as other parts of speech. Look at "another" in the following sentences:
  • He has one job in the day and another at night. (pronoun)
  • I'd like another drink, please. (adjective)
Most indefinite pronouns are either singular or plural. However, some of them can be singular in one context and plural in another. The most common indefinite pronouns are listed below, with examples, as singular, plural or singular/plural. 
Notice that a singular
 pronoun takes a singular verb AND that any personal pronoun should also agree (in number and gender). Look at these examples:

  • Each of the players has a doctor.
  • I met two girls. One has given me her phone number.
Similarly, plural pronouns need plural agreement: 

  • Many have expressed their views.
an additional or different person or thing
That ice-cream was good. Can I have another?
no matter what person
Can anyone answer this question?
no matter what thing
The doctor needs to know if you have eatenanything in the last two hours.
every one of two or more people or things, seen separately
Each has his own thoughts.
one or the other of two people or things
Do you want tea or coffee? / I don't mind.Either is good for me.
as much or as many as needed
Enough is enough.
all people
We can start the meeting because everybody has arrived.
all things
They have no house or possessions. They losteverything in the earthquake.
a smaller amount
"Less is more" (Mies van der Rohe)
a small amount
Little is known about his early life.
a large amount
Much has happend since we met.
not one and not the other of two people or things
I keep telling Jack and Jill but neither believes me.
no person
I phoned many times butnobody answered.
no single thing, not anything
If you don't know the answer it's best to saynothing.
an unidentified person
Can one smoke here? | All the students arrived but now one is missing.
a different person or thing from one already mentioned
One was tall and theother was short.
an unspecified or unknown person
Clearly somebodymurdered him. It was not suicide.
an unspecified or unknown thing
Listen! I just heardsomething! What could it be?
an unidentified person (informal)
And you can see why.
two people or things, seen together
John likes coffee but not tea. I think both are good.
a small number of people or things
Few have ever disobeyed him and lived.
a reduced number of people or things
Fewer are smoking these days.
a large number of people or things
Many have come already.
other people; not us
I'm sure that othershave tried before us.
more than two but not many
They all complained andseveral left the meeting.
people in general (informal)
They say that vegetables are good for you.
singular or plural
the whole quantity of something or of some things or people
All is forgiven.
 have arrived.
no matter how much or how many
Is any left?
 any coming?
a greater quantity of something; a greater number of people or things
There is more over there.
 are coming.
the majority; nearly all
Most is lost.
 have refused.
not any; no person or persons
They fixed the water so why is none coming out of the tap?
I invited five friends butnone
 have come.*
an unspecified quantity of something; an unspecified number of people or things
Here is some.
 have arrived.
of the type already mentioned
He was a foreigner and he felt that he was treated assuch.